EP X4-30 carretilla eléctrica en venta por subasta

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Extra options: Manually removable battery packs, LED lighting front, LED lighting rear, Blue spot rear, Toolbox, Digital screen, 4th function to carriage,
The X4 Series integrates advanced power technologies for reliable performance and efficiency. The standard 80V/100Ah lithium battery (one set of three packs) has a high energy density and longer service life, The forklift is powered by a Permanent Magnet Synchronous (PMS) motor, known for its high energy conversion efficiency.
= More information =
- Closing date: 20 Mar 2025
- Type: online
Year of manufacture: 2025
= Dealer information =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
- Fecha límite: 20 mar. 2025
- Tipo: online
Año de fabricación: 2025
= Información de la empresa =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
Zusätzliche Optionen: Manuell herausnehmbare Akkupacks, LED-Beleuchtung vorne, LED-Beleuchtung hinten, Blue Spot hinten, Werkzeugkasten, Digitaler Bildschirm, 4. Funktion zum Wagen,
Die X4-Serie integriert fortschrittliche Stromversorgungstechnologien für zuverlässige Leistung und Effizienz. Die Standard-Lithiumbatterie mit 80 V/100 Ah (ein Satz mit drei Packungen) hat eine hohe Energiedichte und eine längere Lebensdauer. Der Gabelstapler wird von einem Permanentmagnet-Synchronmotor (PMS) angetrieben, der für seinen hohen Wirkungsgrad bei der Energieumwandlung bekannt ist.
= Weitere Informationen =
- Enddatum: 20 März 2025
- Typ: Online
Baujahr: 2025
= Firmeninformationen =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
- Slutdato: 20 mrt. 2025
- Type: online
Produktionsår: 2025
= Forhandleroplysninger =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
Options supplémentaires : Batteries amovibles manuellement, éclairage LED à l’avant, éclairage LED à l’arrière, point bleu à l’arrière, boîte à outils, écran numérique, 4ème fonction au chariot,
La série X4 intègre des technologies d’alimentation avancées pour des performances et une efficacité fiables. La batterie au lithium standard 80V/100Ah (un ensemble de trois packs) a une densité d’énergie élevée et une durée de vie plus longue, Le chariot élévateur est alimenté par un moteur synchrone à aimants permanents (PMS), connu pour son efficacité de conversion d’énergie élevée.
= Plus d'informations =
Vente aux enchères:
- Date de fermeture: 20 mars 2025
- Type: en ligne
Année de construction: 2025
= Information sur la société =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
Opzioni extra: pacchi batteria rimovibili manualmente, illuminazione a LED anteriore, illuminazione a LED posteriore, punto blu posteriore, cassetta degli attrezzi, schermo digitale, 4a funzione al carrello,
La serie X4 integra tecnologie di alimentazione avanzate per prestazioni ed efficienza affidabili. La batteria al litio standard da 80 V/100 Ah (un set di tre confezioni) ha un'elevata densità di energia e una maggiore durata, il carrello elevatore è alimentato da un motore sincrono a magneti permanenti (PMS), noto per la sua elevata efficienza di conversione dell'energia.
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
Extra opties: Handmatig uitneembare accu pakketen, Led verlichting voorzijde, Led verlichting achterzijde, Blue spot achter, Toolbox, Digitaal scherm, 4de functie tot vorkenbord,
De X4-serie integreert geavanceerde energietechnologieën voor betrouwbare prestaties en efficiëntie. De standaard 80V/100Ah lithiumbatterij (één set van drie pakketten) heeft een hoge energiedichtheid en een langere levensduur, De vorkheftruck wordt aangedreven door een Permanent Magnet Synchronous (PMS)-motor, bekend om zijn hoge energieconversie-efficiëntie.
= Meer informatie =
- Sluitdatum: 20 mrt. 2025
- Type: online
Bouwjaar: 2025
= Bedrijfsinformatie =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
Opcje dodatkowe: Ręcznie demontowalne akumulatory, Oświetlenie LED z przodu, Oświetlenie LED z tyłu, Niebieski punkt z tyłu, Skrzynka narzędziowa, Ekran cyfrowy, 4. funkcja do karetki,
Seria X4 integruje zaawansowane technologie zasilania, zapewniając niezawodną wydajność i efektywność. Standardowa bateria litowa 80 V / 100 Ah (jeden zestaw trzech paczek) ma wysoką gęstość energii i dłuższą żywotność, Wózek widłowy jest napędzany silnikiem synchronicznym z magnesami trwałymi (PMS), znanym z wysokiej wydajności konwersji energii.
= Więcej informacji =
- Data zamknięcia: 20 mrt. 2025
- Typ: online
Rok produkcji: 2025
= Informacje o przedsiębiorstwie =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
- Data de encerramento: 20 mrt. 2025
- Tipo: online
Ano de fabrico: 2025
= Informações do concessionário =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
Opțiuni suplimentare: Pachete de baterii detașabile manual, iluminare LED față, iluminare LED spate, punct albastru spate, cutie de scule, ecran digital, a 4-a funcție la cărucior,
Seria X4 integrează tehnologii avansate de alimentare pentru performanțe și eficiență fiabile. Bateria standard cu litiu de 80V/100Ah (un set de trei pachete) are o densitate mare de energie și o durată de viață mai lungă, stivuitorul este alimentat de un motor sincron cu magnet permanent (PMS), cunoscut pentru eficiența sa ridicată de conversie a energiei.
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
- Дата закрытия: 20 mrt. 2025
- Тип: в Интернете
Год выпуска: 2025
= Информация о дилере =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos
- Sista ansökningsdag: 20 mrt. 2025
- Typ av fordon: på nätet
Byggnadsår: 2025
= Information om företaget =
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction mostrar contactos